Legal notice



This website is owned by Avantges Outsourcing, S.L. (henceforth referred to as Avantges), having its registered address at Av. Diagonal, 453 bis, 4ª pl. – 08036 Barcelona, Spain – with tax identification number (NIF) ESB66347469. Registered in the Company Registry of Barcelona, Volume 4451, Folio 139, Sheet number B-456412.

Use of this website is subject to the following conditions of use. Please read them carefully. Your access to this site and its content means that you have read and agree to the conditions of use set forth herein.

The use of certain spaces or services on this website may be subject to special conditions of use (e.g. the Clients´ Access service). Your use of these services means that you accept these special conditions.

1. Conditions of use

1.1 This website contains materials that Avantges has prepared for information purposes only and may not be updated to most recent legislation changes. The materials on this website may, under no circumstances, be considered to replace legal or any other kind of advice. Access to these materials does not constitute or imply any kind of trust-based or professional relationship with Avantges. You should not act on the basis of the information on this website, without first seeking appropriate professional advice. Likewise, you should not send any confidential information to Avantges without first consulting one of our professionals and receiving their authorization to send it.

1.2 You may find links on this website that may direct you to other websites or web pages managed by third parties, over which Avantges has no control. Access to them via this website does not mean that Avantges recommends or approves their content.

2. Limitation of liability

2.1 You use this website at your own risk. Avantges, its partners, collaborators, employees or representatives do not assume liability for any errors or omissions in the content of this website or any other content that may be accessed through it. Avantges, its partners, collaborators, employees or representatives also do not assume liability for any damage arising from use of this website, or for any other action performed on the basis of information available on it.

2.2 Avantges does not guarantee absence of virus or other elements that could damage or alter your computer system, electronic documents or files. Therefore, our firm does not accept liability for any damage that these elements could cause you or third parties.

3. Intellectual and industrial property
All Portal content, which is understood to include but not be limited to text, photographs, graphics, images, icons, technology, software, links and other audiovisual or audio content, as well as their graphic design and source codes (the ‘Content), is the intellectual property of Avantges or of third parties, and no Content exploitation rights recognized by the intellectual property legislation in force can be deemed to have been licensed to User except for such Content as is strictly necessary for the use of the Portal.
The trademarks, trade names or distinctive signs are the property of Avantges or third parties, and access to the Portal cannot be deemed to attribute any right to such trademarks, trade names and/or distinctive signs.

4. Anti-Money Laundering
Pursuant to Spanish Act 10/2010, de 28 de abril, de prevención del blanqueo de capitales y de la financiación del terrorismo and Royal Decree 304/2014, de 5 de mayo, when rendering certain services (eg Provision of a Registered Office) we have a legal obligation to identify our customers (individuals and legal entities). This is to ensure we comply with Anti-Money Laundering (AML) regulations. Therefore, you may be required to provide us with a proof of ID and a proof of address, among other measures.

5. Legislation
Each and every provision of this Legal Notice is governed by Spanish law.