A registered office is the registered address of a limited company. It must be a physical location in Spain at which official documents can be served. It will be held on public record at the Companies Registry, available to everyone.
Our service will provide you with a central Barcelona or Madrid address – prestigious corporate address located in the business district- for legal and tax purposes, which you can then give to your clients.
In addition, thanks to our Mail Forwarding Service your incoming mail will be processed efficiently, professionally and quickly, allowing you to concentrate on other aspects of your business. With no additional cost, junk mail will be automatically filtered so you only receive the pieces of mail that are essential to your business.
When we receive an item of personal or business mail for you (parcels are not included in our service), it will be processed according to the following:
On a regular basis, you will be notified (by e.mail) of any new incoming mail delivered to our address. Then, we can store it for you to collect; we may scan it and send it directly to you by e.mail; or we may send the relevant item on to you via Ordinary Mail (Ordinary Mail charges apply);
We will inform you immediately by e.mail; Then, we can store your mail for you to collect; we may scan it and send it directly to you by e.mail; or we may send the relevant item on to you via Courier (Courier charges apply).
You may enjoy our Provision of Registered Office and Mail Forwarding Services for just 60.00 € (+ VAT)/ month (invoiced on a quarterly basis).
Leave us your details and we will contact you as soon as possible. If you prefer, you can contact us by phone or email.
We are experts in outsourcing
Leave us your details and we will contact you as soon as possible. If you prefer, you can contact us by phone or email.
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